Double Chin Removal (Non-Surgical): Everything You Need to Know

Is your double chin to blame for your shattered self-esteem? The feature of having a double chin is rather frequent. This does not imply that you must accept it. Med Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Center offers some of the most effective non-surgical procedures for removing the fatty pouch behind your chin. You may restore your confidence by getting your jawline in shape. Within weeks, Med Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Center's non-surgical treatments can help you achieve a perfectly formed and sculpted face.

What Are the Topmost Non-Surgical Procedures for Double Chin Removal?

There are various useful non-surgical options for removing a double chin. Kybella and CoolMini are the most popular treatments for removing a double chin. Both Kybella and CoolMini are non-surgical treatments for reducing fat beneath the chin. Kybella is a filler that is injected into the skin. It burns fat and removes it from your system. CoolMini reduces fat under the chin by freezing fat cells.

These procedures can help you get rid of chin fat in a matter of months. These, too, are merely a few thousand dollars. Both remedies must be administered by a doctor who has been trained in their usage. According to a recent study, these methods efficiently remove excess fat beneath the chin.

Kybella: Non-Surgical Treatment for Double Chin Removal

Kybella is deoxycholic acid. It is a fat-absorbing substance found in our bodies naturally. The surgeon will inject Kybella into the fat beneath your chin. Kybella destroys fat cells. An inflammatory reaction ensues, and the body eventually clears related waste products. Once destroyed, the destroyed fat cells can no longer store or accumulate fat.

Kybella was authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2015. It is useful in treating excess fat in the submental region, according to doctors. It's a kind of deoxycholic acid that may be injected (DA). It can also address the fat tissue beneath the chin. When DA enters cells, it prevents them from storing fat.

Kybella is administered by inserting DA in tiny amounts beneath the chin by your doctor. The average number of injections given during a visit is 20 to 30, with the possibility of up to 50. Kybella is a stand-alone treatment. As a result, it does not necessitate any further treatments or drugs to function.

After your treatments, your doctor may urge you to use ice on the region to help you heal more quicker. For a few nights, you'll also need to sleep in a slightly raised posture. After repeated treatments, you should notice full benefits within a few months. Your face will tighten, and the inflammation will subside.

Ideal Candidates

Kybella is best for those who have a moderate to significant amount of fat beneath their chin. Moreover, it is ideal for patients above the age of 18. There is a scarcity of studies on how to care for pregnant or nursing women. Similarly, people who are using blood thinners should consult their physicians before starting Kybella therapy.

Expected Cost

Your surgeon will go through the care plan with you and the cost and length of each appointment. For best results, you'll probably need numerous sessions. Moreover, each session will take around 20 minutes. Similarly, you don't need any time off work other than for therapy. A Kybella treatment cost will be discussed during the consultation. 

CoolMini: Non-Surgical Cryofreezing Treatment for Double Chin Removal

A non-invasive method for double chine removal is CoolMini. It works to reduce fat beneath the chin. CoolMini is the brand name of a cryolipolysis device used in therapeutic settings for what's known as a "double chin," it's applied to the bottom of the jaw. In 2016, the FDA authorized it for use in treating submental fat.

About 20% to 25% of fat tissue in the targeted region is cooled during this process. Similarly, your body eventually eliminates these chilled fat cells. Moreover, fat cells that have been addressed do not return. CoolMini is applied to the affected region by your doctor using a specific applicator. Initially, you will experience a cold feeling during treatment, but this will pass.

During therapy, you can do something peaceful like pick up a book or browse through your social media. Following treatment, your surgeon will stimulate the affected region for a few minutes. After your session, you should be able to continue your usual activities right away. With CoolMini therapy, you don't need to undergo any extra surgeries or use any drugs.

A few weeks to many months following treatment, you will notice a decrease in fat cells beneath your chin. You will see massive improvements in the treated region within the first two months. Depending on the intended outcome, you may need repeated sessions.

Ideal Candidates

For those with mild to moderate amounts of fat beneath their chin.

CoolMini prospects must have visible fat beneath their chins. CoolMini is suitable for all skin types. Moreover, if you are in excellent overall health and have an ideal BMI, you are an excellent applicant. However, it is not suitable for people with cryoglobulinemia or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.

Expected Cost

The cost of CoolMini depends on a variety of factors. Moreover, CoolMini can take up to an hour to complete. Furthermore, you'll almost certainly require numerous sessions to attain the desired results.

The procedures cost will be discussed during the consultation

Double Chin Removal (Non-Surgical): Everything You Need to Know

How Can Med Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Center Help You with Double Chin Removal?

Med Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Center offers certified doctors at your fingertips. After our doctor has evaluated you, they will devise a treatment plan for you. Moreover, they should be able to get all the necessary details they want in only one consolation session. Similarly, we will walk you through everything, so you understand what to expect.

Moreover, our staff will ensure that you are comfortable on the day of surgery. They will apply a numbing anesthetic cream to the area and use the latest practices for a safe outcome. We can give you the chin of your dreams.

Contact Med Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Center for Double Chin Removal now.


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